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Forums - Have you been to Japan?

Top > 会話 / General discussion > Japan, にほん, 日本

Level: 121

If so, what did you like about it? If not, are you planning to/what are you looking forward to the most?

Ive never been to Japan before, but I'm hoping to go at some point. I've not really done international travel so it's a bit daunting

10 months ago
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Food, family and nature are probably my top three. There’s a lot to like, but it’s a real place with real people, and nowhere near perfect.

10 months ago
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Level: 129

I haven't been either, but am suddenly thinking I'd like to finally consider actually doing it. Ha. I've often thought I'd love to go to Tokyo, but it never went beyond that. :( The culture, food and nature all seem amazing.

I say, "Go for it!" The sooner the better, if possible. Of course, one should probably plan a bit more for a trip to Japan, than say, some European destination, but it's doable! I have lots of ideas and advice about it saved on insta! =)

10 months ago
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Level: 305

Have never gotten to japan, but will do when it's possible!

10 months ago
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I'm in the same boat, I want to go to Japan really badly (stopped by being poor) as for what I am looking forward to the most, it might seem a bit depressing, but just the opportunity to find friendly people. I know that might be weird, but over here I have never managed to find a friend, and it's creeping up on me that if I don't find one soon, i am going to have a lonely and miserable life. It's one of those things that I desperately want to change, but haven't had the chance to do anything about.

As for Japan itself, honestly there's not a one thing I want to see type of thing, I just love the country and I really, really want to go. I even want to move over there. That's probably a pipe dream given it's impossible to get any sort of savings over here, but a man can dream.

9 months ago
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Level: 211

I have been twice! I used to live much closer, and my mother often has to travel there for work. I have been to Tokyo (a long long time ago) and Hokkaido (more recently). I liked Hokkaido very much! Sapporo is a wonderful city to walk in, if you like skiing there's also places like Niseko, and I know a few people who have been to Otaru and said it was wonderful! I agree, there. It was like something out of a fairy tale!

Honestly my favourite parts had to be the scenery and the food. Recommend going in different seasons if possible—very beautiful!!

8 months ago
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Level: 18

I first went to Japan in 2014, I was 20 and had saved up money from my first job to go. I went on a two week tour of Honshu and saw many of the sights you would expect to see in a documentary about Japan, Tokyo shops, Kyoto shrines, Hakone hot springs and Hiroshima Peace Park. It was around £2000 but definitely worth it. All the other travellers in my coach party were elderly couples (60+) and were very kind – I also bathed with the elderly ladies in the hot springs! Having a tour guide to explain things and manage things like luggage transfer was a huge help, especially because I knew 0 Japanese back then.

I returned to Japan in 2016 and stayed in Tokyo and did trips around and outside of the main city. And then I studied as an exchange student in Nagoya in 2022. My Japanese is a lot better now and I’m hoping to return to Japan either as a JET applicant or a holiday maker some time next year.

I love Japan. It’s clean, it’s punctual, it’s respectful and practical. Everything the UK is not. I’m considering moving there for work but I’m reluctant to leave my elderly parents.

6 months ago
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I haven't been to Japan but I'm using Renshuu to learn Japanese and hopefully go to Japan one day.

6 months ago
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I went to Japan earlier this year and it was incredible. I enjoyed the food a lot, but the thing that really got me was the scenery. The pagodas everywhere, the Osaka castle, bamboo forests, it was all amazing

6 months ago
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Level: 8

I went to Japan last month and it was lovely! I stayed in a hotel nearby Ginza and ate conbini food every morning for my 5 day trip. Everything is much cheaper in Japan than Korea, especially with won/usd to yen exchange rates being better. Now that I've tasted everything I wanted to try, I'd rather go to the local supermarkets for breakfast/late dinner next time.

The cost of public transportation shocked me, however. Korean subway/bus fare costs from less than to a little over a us dollar, so I was surprised I had spent nearly 50k yen on subways alone in Japan. It was worth it though as I went to Shibuya, Ginza, Harajuku, Shinjuku, and Roppongi.

I also went to Disney Sea and it was really lovely. Kind staff, beautiful views, fun rides, good and surprisingly inexpensive food. I recommend the smoked chicken leg!

6 months ago
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Level: 183

Lived there when I was a wee tot. Then went to Japan almost every summer throughout Primary school.nt to Japan almost every summer throughout ES, JH, and HS school.

Now I live in Japan again.

6 months ago
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Level: 89

Yes, in 2016. Tbh, it was what I wanted and more. From a tourist's perspective, the people are friendly, easy to get around if you can't speak Japanese, lots of photo opportunities, lots of stuff to do. Mostly Tokyo with day trips to Kyoto, Nara, Osaka. Next visit I want to be able to speak at least conversational Japanese.

2 days ago
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1 day ago
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