Vocabulary dictionary

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Forums - renshuu updates - April 2024

Top > renshuu.org > Announcements

Level: 283


More Japanese Lessons for N4 (Resources > Japanese Lessons)

Thousands of new audio files for sentences, and more redone audio for vocabulary


New batch of navigational icons

The "View" selector when viewing grammar, sentence, and conjugation lists is available, letting you switch to Tinker mode.

Related words under kanji were not showing audio icon (when available)

Mobile menu/icon layout (in browser) aligned with how it appears in apps

Added "back to start" button to Japanese lessons

Keyboard shortcuts for desktop version when doing sentence jumble questions.

Word tags added to custom list maker.

Verb/Conjugation schedule questions feed into grammar-related quests/challenges now.

Definitions added to conjugation panels for verbs/adjectives (in conjugation schedules)

When drawing characters in quizzes, extra submit button inside of drawing pad for convenience.

When adding private sentences to words that are not the primary term in the dictionary for that family of terms, it will correctly bind itself so the sentence is visible afterwards.

Added level restriction to posting forum messages with links in them.

Some speedups for various areas of renshuu!

New icons for renshuu.org (web version), coming to apps in April

Apple/Google login users can now switch email addresses within the settings panel!

Profiles contain public lists (if available)

When multiple fonts are selected (renshuu pro), the currently used one will be highlighted.

Preferred translations for common terms added for most languages in UI translation center.

Experimental (under Settings)

Spot corrections to Text Analyzer texts available for testing.

New setting to search (vocabulary dictionary only at the moment) in your native language!

New setting to correct the fonts for numbers with most Japanese fonts on renshuu

When activated under Experimental, system for adding and viewing user-made tags for vocabulary available!

Warning when you press Study without checking all new terms


+ to expand button was not always appearing in certain multiple choice answers.

Daily challenges were including some challenge types that were not selected in settings.

Focused Review - things missed yesterday was also bringing in things missed today

Roof selector in Kao Garden was disappearing when you purhcased a roof.

Block/Unblock all button (in Tinker mode) fixed

Kana > Meaning (for hiragana/katakana schedules) were not accepting fill-in-the-blank answers if they were capitalized.

Mastery numbers for lists (sentences) in Community Lists were not accurate (showing 0)

In compact schedule view, some schedules finished for the day were not getting put into Finished Schedules section.

Correct error message appears when trying to merge grammar schedules with conjugation ones.

If you learned a new term, got it wrong, then marked it as redo, it was not counting against the # of new terms for the day.

Android - better support reconnecting the device to notifications when it gets disconnected.

Adding a password to accounts that login with Google was not working.

In Community Lists, some reading questions were getting included in kanji quizzes despite reading not being turned on.

New daily challenges were not always coming up when adjusting the filters.

Recent searches for grammar dictionary were not always appearing

"Fill in the blank" option for vocabulary quizzes should not uncheck itself anymore.

Tinker mode was not showing sentences for sentence lists

Small issues with "don't study" link on new terms page.

Invitation links to private shiritori games were not always working correctly.

Forums should do a better job going to different pages when linked from renshuu inbox

Kanji that you had blocked but never studied were showing as known in the dictionary.

11 months ago
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