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Definitely not something I have the time to implement, even if I was interested in it.
Not at the moment yet, no. I do realize that a determined individual could easily mine all the audio off of renshuu, but I'll be honest that I have a bit of hesitate at making it so easy to do so.
Do you mean to say you are hesitant about putting the audio file link into the 'word' schema, because it would be making it easier to mine all of the audio files?
Why not require authentication for the media files?
I don't have the time to do it - I run all of renshuu, and I have a list of to-do things about a mile long that I cannot get to because maintenance/support is taking up too much of my time right now :(
I don't have the time to do it - I run all of renshuu, and I have a list of to-do things about a mile long that I cannot get to because maintenance/support is taking up too much of my time right now :(
Let us know if you need a hand, might be able to help out with some stuff.
Any endpoint to fetch "Kanji I know", like the kanjis marked with light bulb?
Not at the moment - I'll have to wire it into Advanced Search first, before I do that. The "tricky" thing is that most "lists" for a user are either a)because they are a composed list/schedule, or b)because they are a set (or subset) of studied material.
The thing with the lightbulb is it can contain a large number of non-studied terms (like words/kanji you knew before coming into renshuu), so it doesn't fit as easily into the normal data flows within renshuu.
Hm ok, I see. Guess the GET /list/all/{termtype} (with termtype=kanji) is the closest I can get per now.
These will include kanjis ever studied at least once?
Studied at least once or assigned a mastery level (which is the ultimately what studying "generates" for a term)
/lists is up :)
How did I miss this? I just wanted to make a request to add this endpoint. Checked the api docs just in case and noticed, it already exists...