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Top > 会話 / General discussion > 話しましょう!(何でもいい!)


が underworld office き!3までんだ、 と"いです"とう 🩷🩷 ストーリーをしいたら、 さあ、 "ユジン"というある. しいとしいだ、ない、 とあまりしない. でも、 る. そして、 た、 とゴーストった!AKA ユジンのしい!! underworld office につとめるめた. このunderworld officeはのゴーストについてけてる. いですよ!!!! んでください!! 、あなたきとう!!

I like underworld office! I first played it years ago and I still think it's great! If you want to know the story, then, there's a person called Eugene. Eugene is lonely and sad, he dosent have any friends, and he never talks. But, he wants friends. Then, he sleeps at the metro, and meets ghosts! AKA his new friends!! he starts working at the Underworld Office. The underworld office helps people with problems concerning ghosts. It's amazing amazing amazing!!! Please play it! I think you'll like it! I like playing it in japanese

11 months ago
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Level: 481



11 months ago
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Level: 53

が underworld office き!3までんだ、 と"いです"とう 🩷🩷 ストーリーをしいたら、 さあ、 "ユジン"というある. しいとしいだ、ない、 とあまりしない. でも、 る. そして、 た、 とゴーストった!AKA ユジンのしい!! underworld office につとめるめた. このunderworld officeはのゴーストについてけてる. いですよ!!!! んでください!! 、あなたきとう!!

I like underworld office! I first played it years ago and I still think it's great! If you want to know the story, then, there's a person called Eugene. Eugene is lonely and sad, he dosent have any friends, and he never talks. But, he wants friends. Then, he sleeps at the metro, and meets ghosts! AKA his new friends!! he starts working at the Underworld Office. The underworld office helps people with problems concerning ghosts. It's amazing amazing amazing!!! Please play it! I think you'll like it! I like playing it in japanese

が underworld office き!3までんだ、 と"いです"とう 🩷🩷 ストーリーをしいたら、 さあ、 "ユジン"というある. しいとしいだ、ない、 とあまりしない. でも、 る. そして、 た、 とゴーストった!AKA ユジンのしい!! underworld office につとめるめた. このunderworld officeはのゴーストについてけてる. いですよ!!!! んでください!! 、あなたきとう!!

I like underworld office! I first played it years ago and I still think it's great! If you want to know the story, then, there's a person called Eugene. Eugene is lonely and sad, he dosent have any friends, and he never talks. But, he wants friends. Then, he sleeps at the metro, and meets ghosts! AKA his new friends!! he starts working at the Underworld Office. The underworld office helps people with problems concerning ghosts. It's amazing amazing amazing!!! Please play it! I think you'll like it! I like playing it in japanese

もそのスタジオのゲームをプレイしました!! 7 days もくてきれいだったといます。 💫

11 months ago
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が underworld office き!3までんだ、 と"いです"とう 🩷🩷 ストーリーをしいたら、 さあ、 "ユジン"というある. しいとしいだ、ない、 とあまりしない. でも、 る. そして、 た、 とゴーストった!AKA ユジンのしい!! underworld office につとめるめた. このunderworld officeはのゴーストについてけてる. いですよ!!!! んでください!! 、あなたきとう!!

I like underworld office! I first played it years ago and I still think it's great! If you want to know the story, then, there's a person called Eugene. Eugene is lonely and sad, he dosent have any friends, and he never talks. But, he wants friends. Then, he sleeps at the metro, and meets ghosts! AKA his new friends!! he starts working at the Underworld Office. The underworld office helps people with problems concerning ghosts. It's amazing amazing amazing!!! Please play it! I think you'll like it! I like playing it in japanese

が underworld office き!3までんだ、 と"いです"とう 🩷🩷 ストーリーをしいたら、 さあ、 "ユジン"というある. しいとしいだ、ない、 とあまりしない. でも、 る. そして、 た、 とゴーストった!AKA ユジンのしい!! underworld office につとめるめた. このunderworld officeはのゴーストについてけてる. いですよ!!!! んでください!! 、あなたきとう!!

I like underworld office! I first played it years ago and I still think it's great! If you want to know the story, then, there's a person called Eugene. Eugene is lonely and sad, he dosent have any friends, and he never talks. But, he wants friends. Then, he sleeps at the metro, and meets ghosts! AKA his new friends!! he starts working at the Underworld Office. The underworld office helps people with problems concerning ghosts. It's amazing amazing amazing!!! Please play it! I think you'll like it! I like playing it in japanese

が underworld office き!3までんだ、 と"いです"とう 🩷🩷 ストーリーをしいたら、 さあ、 "ユジン"というある. しいとしいだ、ない、 とあまりしない. でも、 る. そして、 た、 とゴーストった!AKA ユジンのしい!! underworld office につとめるめた. このunderworld officeはのゴーストについてけてる. いですよ!!!! んでください!! 、あなたきとう!!

I like underworld office! I first played it years ago and I still think it's great! If you want to know the story, then, there's a person called Eugene. Eugene is lonely and sad, he dosent have any friends, and he never talks. But, he wants friends. Then, he sleeps at the metro, and meets ghosts! AKA his new friends!! he starts working at the Underworld Office. The underworld office helps people with problems concerning ghosts. It's amazing amazing amazing!!! Please play it! I think you'll like it! I like playing it in japanese

もそのスタジオのゲームをプレイしました!! 7 days もくてきれいだったといます。 💫

あ、このゲームをきました!! い 7 days をは underworld office をきでしょう? いですとましたので、ひょっとするとプレイします

11 months ago
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