Of course I capitulated to peer pressure, we don't all have your strength of character. However, I first refused to conform before I did. I have no feet to stand on here, but that doesn't stop my ego. To be honest I'm not so humble.
To prove my morally corrupt nature and thereby illustrate my point. Point being, I didn't like the Kao donut chain, but I am far too susceptible to peer pressure.
Oh wait I didn't realize that message was still there I thought マイコー had deleted all of them so I thought you must've taken that picture a long time ago
Hi all, sorry for responding so late, I didn’t see this forum. Hopefully you are still accepting applications.
Online name-Musashi-kun
The reason you want to join-To make the best Kao dishes ever
what sort of position you want-I want to make people want to join our movement, so I want an advertising position (maybe head of marketing/advertising, what’s the point of having a great care that nobody knows about)
Favorite kao kun dish (if you have one)-I like all of them, but I have to go with the Kao donut
And a little bit about yourself:)- I’m a person (he/him) who loves kao and eating kaos. Please respond to my application with your verdict when you can, but preferably soon so I can start my job ASAP. Thank you.
Even if you don’t approve, I’ll just start as an honorary advertiser, as it couldn’t hurt to have more people supporting our cause - eating and serving Kao dishes.
I'm afraid your application is a little late. All the people the cult elected to have authority have disappeared, so the movement has largely dissolved. The thread we used to communicate(wait a minute...), is now mostly used by lonely non Kao eaters. It's nice to meet new people though.
I'm afraid your application is a little late. All the people the cult elected to have authority have disappeared, so the movement has largely dissolved. The thread we used to communicate(wait a minute...), is now mostly used by lonely non Kao eaters. It's nice to meet new people though.
Either way, I still dedicate myself to eating Kaos, even if there are no other supporters