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Top > 会話 / General discussion > Anything Goes
There's a lot of good ones in the series itself, I really like So Ist Es Immer from the Levi ova
It's half English so I can understand what they're saying
In my classroom, there's a picture with the writing: ドイツの先生 A random student drew it for my German teacher. I wondered if this is right.
Either would work I think your verison would be more personal versus the other one that sounds more like a title given
I'd love to go there one day and study the architecture for art
I'll have to get a lot of money though and maybe somehow freelance or something
such grand dreams for such a young heart and empty pockets
Better to have dreams and no external resources than be hopeless and wealthy. It's only natural to dream while young, and the nicest people still have dreams when they get older. Their dreams may change, but what is life but change, love, and learning? I'm blessed with optimism in a pessimistic world.
My Aunt and Uncle went to Germany with someone else for a month last year They only rode bikes and ate sandwiches and went to air bnbs to be as cheap as possible
I see
I can’t speak to current usage, but the textbook would force you to choose between ドイツ語先生 and ドイツ人の先生.