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Forums - No notifications (been happening for months)

Top > renshuu.org > Android renshuu


Android device/model: Google Pixel 6a

Android OS version: 14

App version: 1.1.20240131

Where is the problem occurring (what page): N/A (notifications appearing on my phone)


I never really cared about this, but I'll report it now anyway (just found this form). I got this phone Christmas last year, and the phone before this kinda had notifications (sometimes they'll happen, other times they'd spam my phone).

When I got this new phone, I haven't recieve notifications, no idea why.

1. I do have notification permissions on (tried turning it off and on again aswell)

2. Tried turning the settings off and on again.

3. Tried a fresh install.

4 logged out and back in to this account (both before and after new server.

I never really cared about this as I love this app, and knew I would never forget about it, I'll try to report things sooner in the future as I realise that someone else might have this exact same issue but doesn't want to report it (privacy/ anxiety ect)

1 year ago
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Level: 283

Thanks for posting this - it is a particularly frustrating issue because I've never been able to replicate it on my end (same device as you!) I haven't tried it out in awhile, though, so I'll switch them on (I keep them off, as I get a TON of messages from renshuu) and hopefully I'll experience the bug as well.

If I can get it to appear on my end, it should be easier than not to fix.

1 year ago
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Level: 283

I have some good news - I believe I have it fixed. However, for most users, the fix will come when you get the updated app version that's coming out in a few days.

I am pretty sure, though, that you can jumpstart it by logging out and logging back into the app.

12 months ago
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