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Top > 会話 / General discussion > Anything Goes
oh his name is actually kinda funny, its Hiroshime sempi ( me and my friend were talking in the middle of the night and trying to decide his last name and she said sempi as a joke, I took it seriously)
I can give you a cupple of my ocs to draw if you want, do you like drawing girls or boys better?
oh perfect! I actually mostly only draw boys so this works out really well , ill send some (do you want a their personalitys too?)
Omg thank you!!
Is it okay if I redraw the first one ? (It'll take a while because of my lazy ass but still 😭)
And I'll be glad if you told me about the personalities too
Ofc!! I'll be happy to give you it:)
(You do mean him right??)
name- koishi Matsuri ( I gave him a girlish name while on no sleep st 6am😐)
age- 19 years old
as for his personality, I like to think he takes work way to seriously and then when he gets home he just becomes a lazy cat lol, (oh maybe a bit over dramatic at time lol)
Oh! I know the perfect person to explain what he's like, the main ml in tayako kun is always listless is the perfect example of what he's like when he's not working
by the way I made him a cupid (ofc you can make him anything else that's just what I made him as)
I'll also draw some duddles of him being himself couse I can't explain sht right lol
wait he's kinda like me. . .
Oh and here are a few facts about him
his favorite artist is mafumafu (especially his songs 'I want to become a super neko' and 'I couldn't become a super neko after all
his favorite food is mochi, and he has a massive sweet tooth
he drinks a tea pot of tea ever night before bed
and he has a cat hoodie that he wears ever chance he can get
oh he also owns 4 cats (their names are, ishu or in Japanese いしゅ, kaji (kinda like Kanji) shu (yup just shu) and matsu)
Oh no problem lol, since I don't show anyone my drawings I usually don't try to write neatly, I mean as long as I can read it thats all that matters
oh but the reason it looks like that is because I write it reallyyy fast so it gets messy
Yaa i have to take alot of time to write neatly (i like doing everything very fast so it usually leads to alot of mistakes)
I'm the opposite, actually... I spend way too much time double-checking my writing. I've actually caught myself writing freelance content like it was an essay. Needless to say, I do NOT need to write my character backstories like it's an essay.
On a similar note, should someone make an artist thread specifically for character backstories? It's nice to have the concise summaries paired with drawings, but it would be nice to do some in-depth character summaries, too.
As a kid I learned to write cursive and for some reason I thought that was super cool (maybe bc my grandma acted like it was as incentive to learn it), so I pretty much only wrote in cursive. That was a really bad idea, bc I pretty much forgot how to write normally and now my handwriting is terrible
Messy Writing is kind of like a getaway for me, my mothers always been super clean and tidy meaning I didn't have alot of room to be a normal kid (she used to put me in dresses when I was younger it was awful I swear) so I used whatever I could to get that kiddy feeling and ig i made writing and drawing that thing for me lol.
And that friends is why my lineart and writing looks like garbage