掲示板 Forums - Tip for multiple choice users
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This topic comes up from time to time, and I'd like to share the advise that I give many users who contact me directly about it. This is always in response to a question/comment along these lines:
Q: When I do multiple choice, it's too easy to pick out the correct answer from the choices. What should I do?
A: Let me suggest to you something I did myself when I used renshuu, and some I often suggest to others. Ultimately, multiple-choice is a flawed system, because what we need is not to be able to pick out an answer (there is no real corollary in actual language usage) but to be able to recall the information. Unfortunately, fill in the blank is less-than-ideal for those who want to quiz quickly, are on mobile, etc.
If you tap the settings icon in the top-right when you are in a quiz, there is a "Hide multiple-choice answers" setting. Try turning that on. Then, do this:
1. When question appears, attempt to recall answer. After thinking of answer, reveal multiple choices.
2. If the answer you thought of is there, choose it. If it is not (even if you can deduce the answer from the other choices), tap the "I don't know" button, and renshuu will send it back to you for review.
This gives you the speed of multiple choice, but the more realistic action of knowledge recall, and not "which answers are not correct".
I’m glad that renshuu.org offers this option, but I don’t use it myself. In my way of thinking, guesses, even incorrect ones are part of the learning process. I also make sure to pause and be properly disgusted when I get it wrong.
I think it would also be good if there was an "I totally fluked the answer" button (for when you luckily guess correctly but really need more review of that kanji.)
There is. Enable the Mark as Wrong button and you can use it.
Does hiding answers work in grammar quizzes too? I have it this option turned on and it works great for vocab quizzes, but for some reason the answers in grammar quizzes are still visible. Sorry if I'm doing something wrong!
It doesn't, largely because the grammar ones require you to fill in the blank (in the sentence), whereas the vocab ones are more of a flashcard style, where you are going from info A to B.
Thanks for the explanation, that makes sense! fwiw, if such a feature did exist I'd probably use it for the same reasons you mentioned above, even though it's harder when things are less A->B
This made it so much harder to do quizzes, but I also feel as if I'm learning more with each question. Thanks!
I'm glad this option is available. And agree that quizzes are much harder, my accuracy dropped from 95% to 81% but I can now recall terms more easily. Can definitely recommend to turn this feature on, if you're ok with lower accuracy and more reviews.